We are putting finance at the service of climate.
Join us!

Join a fast
growing organization

Launched in 2020, Reclaim Finance has already established itself as a reference on finance and climate issues.

Change the rules
of the game

We wish to put the financial system at the service of sustainable societies. Our method: gaining ground, step by step.

Exceed yourself
on a daily basis

We are transforming hard-skinned institutions. Get up every day with the desire to challenge yourself, to find solutions and new ways to achieve our goals.

Rally a united team
and network

Like Canopée Forêts vivantes and ANV-COP21/Alternatiba, we are affiliated to the Friends of the Earth France federation. With our international partners, we fight for social and climate justice.

Fight with integrity
and non-violence

We are a campaigning NGO that works with many representatives of the financial sector. Our best weapons to shift the balance of power: denounce and convince.

Digital project officer (internship)

Your mission: develop our communication strategy across a wide range of digital media, particularly our websites Reclaim Finance, Change de banque, Defund TotalEnergies, Coal Policy Tracker, Oil & Gas Policy Tracker, and Sustainable Power Policy Tracker. Internship/apprenticeship – Paris

Research and Analysis Director

Your mission: oversee the work of our research and analysis (R&A) team, which is currently around 15 full-time positions, and will directly supervise the team’s middle-managers. You will work closely with our senior leadership to help guide our strategy. You will be responsible for proposing political, operational and human resources changes in our R&A team and for their implementation. Permanent contract – Paris