Our reports

  • Power moves and power failures report

    The lack of a thorough regulatory framework for corporate reporting prevents a simple and coherent understanding of the transition plans of electricity producers. Yet, such a framework is essential to inform the actors financing their activities about the viability of their climate strategies. This report provides a comprehensive and [...]

  • Banking on climate chaos report 2024

    The 2024 Banking On Climate Chaos report constitutes the largest and most comprehensive analysis of major global banks' financing of fossil fuels. This year, the analysis includes the loans and underwriting activities of the 60 largest global banks and covers a broader scope of the sector, including the entire [...]

  • ENGIE’s road to (non-)decarbonized power

    Decarbonizing the energy sector is urgent. Technological solutions are available and conditions are particularly good for their development. In this context, electricity producers play a central role and must implement comprehensive and robust transition plans. ENGIE is both one of the largest independent global producers - with over 100GW of [...]

  • Collateral damage: Ending the ECB’s support to fossil fuel companies

    Each day the ECB lists assets that can be used as collateral – guarantees that need to be pledged by banks seeking liquidity from the central bank – and set their value as such – their market value minus a discount rate, or haircut. In 2022, the ECB recognized [...]

  • Steeling our future: The banks propping up coal-based steel

    The iron and steel sector has a heavy climate impact, accounting for 11% of global CO2 emissions. Decarbonizing the steel sector is key to respond to the climate emergency. The climate impact of the steel sector is primarily due to its reliance on metallurgical coal for its production. Indeed, almost [...]

  • Unmasking greenwashing: A call to clean up passive funds

    The number of passively managed funds is increasing year after year. And these funds are not immune to accusations of greenwashing - quite the contrary. Passive funds with "sustainability" claims actually invest in fossil fuel developers, partly because these funds are becoming a blindspot in asset managers' climate policies. [...]

  • Corporate climate transition plans: what to look for

    Climate transition plans are the link between international climate goals and the climate-related activities of individualentities – governments, cities, non-financial companies, and financial institutions. Maintaining a 50% chance to keep global warming under 1.5°C requires emissions stay below 500 GtCO2 after January 1st 2020, a volume that will likely be [...]

  • Climate votes: the great deception

    Reclaim Finance assessed the policies and practice of 30 asset managers at the 2023 AGMs of 75 fossil fuel companies in their portfolios. Their votes on Say on Climate, climate-related shareholder resolutions, re-election of board members, remuneration and financial statements were all assessed as well as proxy voting policies. [...]

  • Lessons from 2021 to 2023: Inflation management calls for a sustainable energy transition in Europe

    Since 2021, Europe has known a period of high inflation. Breaking off decades of accommodating monetary policy designed to raise inflation to its 2% target, the European Central Bank (ECB) raised interest rates throughout 2022 and 2023 in the hope of bringing down inflation that was not forecasted to [...]

  • Fossil Fuel Expansion in the United Arab Emirates

    A new report published by Urgewald, BankTrack, LINGO and Reclaim Finance on the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) highlights its outsized oil & gas expansion and the international financiers and oil majors who actively support it. Read the report