Our reports

  • This report, co-published by Reclaim Finance, Urgewald and Greenpeace, takes stock of the climate practices of four major German asset managers, Allianz GI, Union Investment, Deka Investments and DWS, together managing more than €2.3 trillion of assets.  Exclusive data shows these asset managers are unrestrictedly investing in the companies [...]

  • Reclaim Finance calls on global insurers not to renew insurance coverage to Ichthys LNG, one of the most carbon-intensive liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects in Australia whose promoters TotalEnergies and Inpex are currently planning its climate-wrecking expansion. Based on rare documents from the Supreme Court of Western Australia, Reclaim Finance was able [...]

  • The urge to end Europe’s Russian fossil fuel dependency as quickly as possible has put LNG in the spotlight. In the past few months, new LNG import terminal projects have sprung up all over Europe amid a surge in the push to diversify gas supplies, adding to several existing [...]

  • A report by Reclaim Finance reveals that in spite of their net-zero pledges, US banks continue to finance developers of new coal projects.   This report analyzes US banks’ support to the coal industry and to coal developers more specifically. It assesses the gaps in their coal policies [...]

  • This report shows the role the ECB should take to fulfill its price stability primary mandate in a context of climate crisis and energy-driven inflation. Exploring the three types of climate-related inflations identified by ECB board member Isabel Schnabel in a recent speech, it shows why and how the [...]

  • This report, entitled ‘The asset managers fueling climate chaos’ and co-authored by Reclaim Finance, urgewald, ReCommon and The Sunrise Project, is a deep-dive into the engagement and exclusion policies of 30 major investors. It highlights that they are far from doing enough to fight fossil fuel expansion, revealing the [...]

  • The report, co-authored by Rainforest Action Network, BankTrack, Indigenous Environmental Network, Oil Change International, Reclaim Finance, Sierra Club, and Urgewald, is the most comprehensive global analysis on fossil fuel banking to date. It reveals that the world’s B-biggest banks continued to pour billions into fossil fuel expansion in 2021. [...]

  • By acquiring Lyxor in early January, Amundi continues its meteoric growth. But this means that an increasing portion of its assets will escape any climate-related restrictions and that Amundi is leaving the door open for new investments in companies with expansion plans in coal and more broadly in the [...]

  • Limited Utility: The European energy companies failing on net zero commitments report published in January 2022 by Europe Beyond Coal and think tank Ember, and endorsed by ten other organisations including Reclaim Finance. The report finds that the business plans of European coal companies do not contain the intermediate [...]

  • The finance sector can play a critical role in accelerating the coal phase out. While more and more financial institutions are now calling on coal companies to adopt phase out plans, they need to go beyond vaguely worded requests and take action to ensure that these plans are robust, [...]