Net zero asset managers: discussion on best practices


Lara Cuvelier

Reclaim Finance

Lucie Pinson

Reclaim Finance

While asset managers increasingly commit to achieving netzero carbon emissions by 2050, significant challenges and obstacles remain to deliver on this goal.

Among the many dilemmas they face, one is crucial: is it better to exclude or engage investee companies? To this, which kind of engagement, exclusion criteria and processes should be implemented in order to accelerate market-wide decarbonization and avoid transferring high-carbon assets from one actor's portfolio to another one?

One of the key questions to answer is: how to reconcile engagement, which is by nature long term, with the scientific imperative dictating urgent and bold actions, such as ending fossil fuel expansion?

During this webinar, we discussed:

  • Trends around asset managers’ climate policies and changes in practices.
  • Reclaim Finance’s 2022 Asset Manager scorecard ranked 30 asset managers on their policies regarding the fossil fuel sector. 
  • Insights on how these policies seem to be implemented through the example of voting.
  • We looked back at the 2022 AGM season and what it can tell us about investor engagement.

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