Briefing: Assessing the credibility of ArcelorMittal’s decarbonization strategy

17 April 2023

As a key player in the steel market, ArcelorMittal has a crucial role in advancing the global shift to clean steelmaking. This briefing is intended for financial institutions that would like to gain a better understanding of the activities and climate impact of ArcelorMittal in order to engage the company on its transition.

From the adoption of a detailed, consistent and robust climate strategy to the integration of climate key performance indicators in the governance of the company, financial institutions should push ArcelorMittal to take immediate action to reduce its GHG emissions. Securing a commitment not to develop new coal-based capacity in favor of green steel projects, while showing the same level of ambition across all geographies, will be essential to align the company’s climate strategy with a 1.5°C pathway.