NGOs condemn treatment of local community representatives at French bank AGMs

Several local community representatives, including Edwin Gariguez, Goldman Environmental Prize winner and campaigner against an LNG terminal in the Philippines, came to speak at French bank Annual General Assemblyies about the impact of the oil and gas industry supported by the bank on local people, the environment and the economy.  

When these representatives spoke, in particular at the BNP Paribas General Meeting on 16 May 2023, they were booed, received racist comments from shareholders in the room and were treated badly by security at the entrance to the room. Other activists, NGO representatives and scientists received a similar reception.

This disrespect and aggression reflect the increased tension in recent years at the shareholder meetings of large French companies, particularly when environmental and social issues are discussed.

While the members of the management and board of directors present on stage intervened to summon the shareholders to let the speaker finish his question, we would ask the management of BNP Paribas, as well as those of other banks to adopt the measures necessary to ensure that the debate at the annual general meeting can take place calmly, with mutual respect among stakeholders, and that those who wish to come and testify can be received with dignity.

Furthermore, we believe that an apology to the representatives of the communities who travelled specifically to speak about the oppression they suffer in their region would be appropriate.

Reclaim Finance


Oxfam France

Les Amis de la Terre France

Protect Verde Island Passage


Center for Energy, Ecology and Development (CEED)

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