Our reports

  • A report by Reclaim Finance analyzes the investment policies of G20 and Eurosystem central banks, revealing that these major financial trend-setters are lagging behind when it comes to investing sustainably and considering the impact of their investments on climate. This report comes while central banks are increasingly vocal on [...]

  • Reclaim Finance published a comprehensive report at COP26 in Glasgow revealing the extensive shortcomings in the finance sector’s rapidly growing “net-zero” alliances. If these shortcomings are not fixed, the alliances will very likely fall far short of their ambitious but necessary goal of halving the emissions from the clients [...]

  • A new research by Reclaim Finance reveals that ECB’s exceptional purchases of corporate bonds amid the Covid-crisis benefited to European oil and gas majors, in spite of the fact that these companies are planning a massive increase in fossil fuel production at odds with EU climate goals and the [...]

  • On July 22nd 2021, Reclaim Finance published a report – Out with Science, In with Lobbyists: Gas, Nuclear and the EU Taxonomy – that exposes the lobbying from the fossil gas and nuclear industry to feature in the EU’s influential sustainable taxonomy. The report uncovers a multimillion euro lobbying [...]

  • A new report from Reclaim Finance and the Observatoire des multinationales has revealed a wide-ranging lobbying operation by asset management titan BlackRock, aimed at influencing the European Union’s sustainable finance strategy. This comes shortly before the release of the strategy, and amidst ongoing controversy about the role of BlackRock [...]

  • The City of London is one of the world’s largest homes of coal finance, reveals a new report from Reclaim Finance. Produced with German NGO Urgewald, the report examines the support of leading UK banks and investors to the coal sector. The top five UK banks - Barclays, HSBC, [...]

  • Reclaim Finance has published the first edition of a scorecard on leading asset managers’ climate commitments, focusing on their approach to the coal sector. The report compares 29 asset managers, with a focus on the European market. The authors reveal that despite 16 asset managers holding long-term climate commitments, [...]

  • A new report from Reclaim Finance and seven partner NGOs reveals that the Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA) has failed to trigger a wide coal exit movement. The analysis of the progress of the 111 PPCA members shows that many of them are failing to phase out coal support. [...]

  • The Banking on Climate Chaos 2021 report has revealed that the world’s 60 largest banks worldwide have pumped over $3.8 trillion into the fossil fuel industry since the Paris Agreement, with financing levels higher in 2020 than in 2016. The report was authored by Rainforest Action Network, BankTrack, Indigenous [...]

  • A new report from Reclaim Finance shows that BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, holds over $75 billion in thirty major tar sands production companies, all of which plan to develop new reserves of the world’s dirtiest form of oil. BlackRock also holds $3.7 billion in three pipeline companies [...]